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Keizer, Oregon: 10 Enriching Activities for Seniors and Their Loved Ones

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Keizer, Oregon offers a wide range of fun activities that are perfect for seniors and their families to do together, promoting well-being and active lifestyles. Nestled in the heart of the Willamette Valley, Keizer offers a unique blend of scenic beauty, community spirit, and enriching experiences for seniors to savor. Located just a short drive from our senior living facilities, Keizer is a perfect place for seniors and their loved ones to enjoy time together: 

Park Trails

Keizer boasts a range of park trails perfect for seniors seeking leisurely walks or invigorating hikes. The Keizer Rapids Park Trail, with its picturesque river views, provides a serene backdrop for staying active and connecting with nature. With over 148 acres of natural beauty, this park is a must see! 

Silver Sneakers Classes 

From gentle aerobics to balance-focused exercises, seniors can stay fit in a supportive environment at Kaiser Permanente. Their amenities also include strength and cardio equipment, pools, saunas, and much more! Specialized exercise classes designed to improve strength, flexibility and balance. Social events and activities.

Whittam Community Garden 

Keizer’s moderate climate nurtures flourishing gardens, making it an ideal place for seniors to indulge in gardening. There are many community gardens in the area;  Whittam Community Garden is one of our favorites!  Whether it’s checking out the work of other gardeners or digging in to cultivate greenery and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts, Whittam Community Garden is a great spot to visit.

Center 50+

Seniors can immerse themselves in Keizer’s close-knit community by joining social clubs and gatherings. Keizer’s Center 50+ offers a full variety of in-person and virtual classes, activities, and services.

Artistic Exploration

Explore your creative side by participating in art workshops offered at the Keizer Arts Association. Engaging in artistic pursuits not only stimulates the mind but also allows seniors to express themselves artistically.

Giving Back Through Volunteering

Keizer provides various volunteer opportunities, including assisting at the Keizer Community Food Bank or supporting local events like the Iris Festival. Seniors can make a positive impact while staying engaged.

Wellness Through Yoga

Seniors seeking relaxation and flexibility can join yoga classes at local studios like Common People Yoga. These sessions are tailored to seniors’ needs, fostering physical and mental well-being. Yoga is a perfect opportunity to make friends, enjoy fitness and foster a sense of well being. 

Culinary Exploration

Keizer’s farmers markets offer seniors fresh produce to experiment with in cooking classes. Join classes at the Oregon State University Extension Service to learn new recipes and dietary tips.

Stress Relief in Nature

Embrace the calming power of nature with mindfulness walks at Keizer Rapids Park. Tai chi sessions by the Willamette Wellness Center offer seniors a gentle way to relieve stress.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant senior life that Keizer, Oregon, offers. Engage in activities that reflect your interests and passions while enjoying the beauty and warmth of this remarkable community.

Directions to Mount Angel Towers from Keizer, OR:

Written by Stephanie Fenton

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